This Revised Guide for Registered Auditors: Assurance Engagements on Financial Service Providers’ Separate Accounts (Section 19(3)) and Reporting Requirements (Section 19(4)) of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act provides guidance to registered auditors (auditors) on various matters relating to the audit, limited assurance engagement and other reporting obligations for authorised financial services providers (Providers) in compliance with the requirements of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002, Act No. 37 of 2002 as amended (the Act), and its subordinate legislation. FSCA FAIS Notice 48 of 2019, published by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (the FSCA) sets out the form and manner of the Section 19(3) Limited Assurance Report to be submitted by the independent auditors in terms of Section 19(3) of the Act.
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