Mr Fulvio TonelliChairman
Ms Naidene Ford-HoonDeputy Chairman
Ms Ruth Benjamin-Swales
Ms Thabiso Kutumela
Ms Nalini Maharaj
Mr Protas Phili
Sir Richard Hawkins
Mr Mojalefa Mosala
Ms Precious Sibiya
Ms Zine Mshengu
Mr Shabeer Khan
Mr Tonelli has served his whole career in the auditing profession and was an audit partner in the large audit firms since 1992. His experience includes being the audit partner on many listed entities such as South African Breweries Ltd, Standard Bank Group Ltd, and the FirstRand Group Ltd. He recently retired from PWC and is currently serving as a non-executive director of the Absa Group.
Ms Ford-Hoon is currently an independent consultant and was also part of the Department of Justice’s Commission of Inquiry into the PIC. Her previous roles include Head of Advisory services at Firstrand, and being CFO at Alexander Forbes Group Holdings Limited and the South African Reserve Bank. She is currently serving on the Boards of SA Corporate Real Estate (JSE Listed REIT) and the Knysna Initiative for Learning and Teaching (a NGO).
Ms Benjamin-Swales has a wealth of auditing experience and is currently serving as the CEO of the Association for Savings and Investments South Africa (ASISA) Foundation. She was previously and audit partner at EY, KMMT Brey Inc and Gobodo Inc where she audited various large clients. She has extensive board experience and currently forms part of the boards of Equites Limited, the Cape Peninsula University of Technology Investment Committee, and the George Whitefield Theological Training College.
Ms Kutumela as an attorney of the High Court and is currently employed as a director at Shekinah Consulting Ltd. She also previously held senior legal positions at AECI Ltd, Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa and Hogan Lovells (formerly Routledge Modise). She is also part of the Appeals Board of the South African Institute for Drug- Free Sport, the Gauteng Growth and Development Agency, and is the Chairperson of NHBRC Disciplinary Committee.
Ms Maharaj is an attorney of the High Court and is the CEO of her own company N.Maharaj Attorneys / Ishana Incorporated. She is also a lecturer at the University of Witwatersrand and has served in many legal and company secretary roles for public sector institutions. She serves on the Boards of the South Rand Hospital, Goldfields TVET College, as an examiner and moderator for the Legal Practice Council, as well as on the appeals council for the South African Nursing Council.
Mr Phili is the co-founder and Managing Director at Khwezela Investment Group (Pty) Ltd and has a wealth of public sector experience that includes senior positions at Sentech Ltd, SARS and the Department of Public Enterprises amongst others. He is currently serving on the Boards of Resilient REIT Limited, Rand Water, Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) and the National Nuclear Regulator.
Ms Zine Mshengu is employed at the South African Reserve Bank (Divisional Head: Industry Technical Support) and has auditing and banking experience. She was previously the Head of Advisory Services at FirstRand. She is currently a member of the auditing standards committee and IRBA and has an intricate knowledge of the profession and has served on international commissions as part of her role at the SARB.
Ms Mjali is the Deputy Head of Department and lecturer at the University of Fort Hare and was also previously lecturing at the Universities of the Western Cape and Cape Town. She is chartered accountant with local and international experience. She is an Executive committee member of the South African Chamber of Commerce UK and a member of SAICA’s Initial Professional Development Committee (IPD) and has been involved as an exam setter and marker for CA(SA’s).
Sir Hawkins a seasoned business executive with many years of listed company experience. He is currently an independent consultant to EcoHotels. He previously was a director at Minor Hotels South Africa, Sun International Ltd as well as Dorbyl Ltd. He is part of the SAICA mentorship program being rolled out for young newly qualified CA’s in the industry, and has previously held various directorships as an executive member on the Sun International subsidiaries.
Ms Sibiya has more than 20 years of experience at junior and senior management levels, mainly within finance (financial reporting), auditing (external and internal), risk management and supply chain management in the private and public sectors. She is currently serving as a non-executive director and on various governance committees of public and private sector boards (for example, in audit, risk, investment, ICT governance and human resources committees).
Mr Mosala is a senior lecturer at Wits University, with a focus on financial accounting, and has been in other academic positions at a number of academic institutions. He also serves as a non-executive director of the Free State Cricket Union and is the chairperson of the SAICA Free State Bloemfontein region.