IFRS Trustees Meet with the Regulator
The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation were in South Africa recently
for their meeting. During the visit they met with IRBA CEO Bernard
Agulhas to share their experiences on the implementation of the
IFRS standards and the state of the profession globally. The trustees
included the incoming chairman of the IFRS Foundation Trustees,
Erkki Liikanen; chairman of the International Accounting Standards
Board, Hans Hoogervorst; and the executive director of the IFRS
Foundation, Lee White.
Standing: Hilya Haufiku, Sven von Blottnitz, Zaa Nashandi (PAAB Head of Secretariat), Romanus Kawana and
Naomi Kafita. Seated: Bernard Agulhas and PAAB Board Chairman Junias Kandjeke.
IRBA CEO Addresses the PAAB Namibia Board
Bernard Agulhas recently addressed the board of the Public
Accountants and Auditors Board (PAAB) of Namibia as part of
an MOU agreement between the IRBA and PAAB Namibia. The
address focused on the importance of an independent regulator,
the state of the profession and the AFIAAR strategy.
African Bank Investment Limited Hearing Dates
The hearing into the conduct of the auditors responsible for the
audit of African Bank Investment Limited continued on the 3rd, 4th,
5th, 6th and 7th of December 2018.
40 Graduate from the AWCA Duke Leadership
IRBA CEO Bernard Agulhas was the keynote speaker at the
African Women Chartered Accountants (AWCA) and Duke
Corporate Education graduation ceremony on 10 October 2018.
The graduates had completed their Women Leading Africa Board
Leadership Programme, a joint initiative of AWCA and Duke. Since
the commencement of the programme in 2014, there have been
more than 40 graduates who are both CAs and non-CAs.
The course covers critical leadership topics such as governance,
ethical leadership, risk management, compliance and stakeholder
engagement. During the two-day course candidates also
participated in board and audit committee simulations through
which they were able to put what they had learnt into practice.
In South Africa reports show that women who serve in boards
still don’t even constitute 25% of the membership. Together with
corporate governance and ethics, this lack or slow pace of gender
transformation has become one of the major concerns with regards
to business sustainability.
Speaking on these concerns, the CEO highlighted the importance
of good governance, the role of boards and the significant role that
Issue 44 | October-December 2018