LEGAL cont.
Telephone: (087) 940-8800
Fax: (087) 940-8873
legal@irba.co.zaGRATITUDE FOR TIME WELL SERVED: At the farewell function, Vincent Maleka SC (vice-chairman), middle, praised Costa
Qually, left, and Akhter Moosa, right, for their remarkable commitment.
qualify to be viewed as such. The IRBA’s mandate does not include
the investigation of any suspected FIC-related contraventions
that are committed by a firm of attorneys. Also, Section 45 of
the Auditing Profession Act does not provide for any mechanism
whereby the IRBA could be at liberty to report incidents of NOCLAR
to appropriate regulators in circumstances where these matters fall
outside the scope of an RI.
Consequently, the registered auditor was advised against reporting
the suspected NOCLAR directly to the IRBA. He was rather
advised to consider approaching the FIC and the relevant Law
Society directly with regards to the unreported CTR. The registered
auditor was, however, also advised to seek legal advice prior to
him undertaking any further actions in response to this suspected
NOCLAR identified. Registered auditors are reminded of the IRBA’s
Frequently Asked Questions on Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulationsas issued in October 2017; and this can be found on
the IRBA website.
At the end of the last quarter, we bid farewell to two members of
the Disciplinary Committee, Costa Qually and Akther Moosa, both
of whom served as retired registered auditors.
Mr Qually served for 12 years on the Disciplinary Committee bothwith
the IRBA and our predecessor the PAAB, while Mr Moosa served
for three years on the committee. Their exceptional commitment
and expertise will be dearly missed and we wish them well and
express our sincere gratitude to them for their noble service to the
auditing profession.
A special thank you must be given to Mr Qually for the training
sessions that he provided over the years on basic accounting and
auditing principles to the lawyers on the committee and our legal
Issue 43 | July-September 2018