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2. Updates in terms of relevant revisions of the ISAs, ISAEs and

the Code.

3. Added paragraphs relating to the confidentiality of client


4. Clarification that this Revised Guide is also applicable to joint

engagements (contractual agreement).

Effective date

This Revised Guide is effective from the date of issue. It is available

in both Word and PDF formats and may be downloaded from the

IRBA website.

Exposure Draft: Proposed Revised Guide for Registered

Auditors: Assurance Engagements on the Annual

Financial Statements and Annual Statutory Returns of a

Medical Scheme

The CFAS approved the issue of the

Proposed Revised Guide

for Registered Auditors: Assurance Engagements on the Annual

Financial Statements and Annual Statutory Returns of a Medical


(this proposed Guide) in May 2018 for exposure for public

comment by

10 August 2018


This proposed Guide provides guidance to a registered auditor

on conducting an assurance engagement on the annual financial

statements and annual statutory returns of a medical scheme.

This guidance focuses on understanding the nature and

characteristics of a medical scheme, as well as the nature and

extent of work on the engagement.

Revisions made to this proposed Guide

This proposed Guide includes the following:

• Conforming amendments arising from the Constitutional Court

ruling rendered on 6 June 2017, in relation to the correct

accounting treatment of members’ personal savings accounts

(PMSA monies). This ruling applies prospectively.

• Conforming amendments arising from legislation changes that

result in accredited managed healthcare services now being

included as claims.

• Including a reference to the Protection of Funds Act in the ISAE

3000 (Revised) illustrative report, as well as a reference to the

Prescription Act 68 of 1969.

• Conforming amendments, where considered necessary,

arising from the revision of the following ISAs:


ISA 260 (Revised)

, Communication with Those

Charged with Governance;


ISA 700 (Revised)

, Forming an Opinion and Reporting

on Financial Statements;


ISA 705 (Revised)

, Modifications to the Opinion in the

Independent Auditor’s Report;


ISA 706 (Revised)

, Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs

and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Au-

ditor’s Report;


ISA 720 (Revised)

, The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relat-

ing to Other Information;


ISA 800 (Revised)

, Special Considerations – Audits

of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with

Special Purpose Frameworks; and


ISA 810 (Revised)

, Engagements to Report on Sum-

mary Financial Statements.

• Inclusion of requirements arising from the new ISA 701,

Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s


The abovementioned ISAs are effective for audits of financial

statements for periods ending on or after 15 December 2016.

• Conforming amendments, where considered necessary,

arising from the revision of the following ISAE:


ISAE 3000 (Revised),

Assurance Engagements Other

than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Informa-


The abovementioned ISAE is effective for audits of financial

statements for periods ending on or after 15 December 2015.

Proposed effective date

Depending on the comments received, it is anticipated that the final

Guide will be approved by the CFAS in November 2018 and issued

in December 2018, with such approval and issue being noted at the

subsequent meeting of the IRBA Board.

It is expected that this proposed Guide will be effective for

engagements on accounting periods ending on or after 31

December 2018. Early adoption is encouraged. As with early

adoption of the new and revised ISAs permitted by the IAASB, early

adoption of this proposed Guide will also be permitted where the

auditor has early adopted the underlying suite of new and revised

IAASB standards.

A copy of the exposure draft is available on the exposure drafts

page on the

IRBA website.

CFAS Sustainability Standing Committee (SSC)

Illustrative engagement letters, assurance reports and

related guidance notes – sustainability engagements

The CFAS approved the issue of the following for use by practitioners

on sustainability engagements in South Africa:

• A revised limited assurance illustrative engagement letter and a

revised limited assurance illustrative assurance report, with the

related guidance notes;

• A reasonable assurance illustrative engagement letter and a

reasonable assurance illustrative assurance report, with the

related guidance notes; and

• A combined reasonable and limited assurance illustrative

engagement letter as well as a combined reasonable and

limited assurance illustrative assurance report, with the related

guidance notes.

The illustrative engagement letters, illustrative assurance reports

and related guidance notes will continue to promote consistency

in the layout and wording of the engagement letters and assurance

reports when providing assurance services on selected key

Issue 42 | April - June 2018