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STANDARDS c o n t .

The IRBA Board adopts ISA 800 (Revised),


Considerations – Audits of Financial Statements

Prepared in Accordance with Special Purpose


; and ISA 805 (Revised),


Considerations – Audits of Single Financial Statements

and Specific Elements, Accounts or Items of a Financial


The IRBA Board has approved the IAASB's ISA 800


Special Considerations – Audits of Financial

Statements Prepared in Accordance with Special Purpose


and ISA805 (Revised),

Special Considerations –

Audits of Single Financial Statements


Specific Elements,

Accounts or Items of a Financial Statement

, and related

conforming amendments, for adoption, issue and prescription

by registered auditors in South Africa. These revised

standards are effective for audits of financial statements for

periods ending on or after 15 December 2016.

The nature of the changes in ISA 800 (Revised) and ISA 805

(Revised) is as follows:


Refinements to the requirements and corresponding

application material, where applicable, to clarify auditor

reporting responsibilities in light of new concepts

established by the new and revised Auditor Reporting



New application material relating to going concern, key

audit matters, other information and naming of the

engagement partner.


Updated illustrative auditor's reports that:

o Align with the reporting requirements in ISA 700

(Revised) in terms of the layout and content, including

the ordering of elements, use of headings and

terminology; and

o Include more fulsome descriptions of the

circumstances that are assumed for each of the

illustrative auditor's reports and indicate the

applicability of the auditor reporting enhancements.

The revised standards

( ) and the related communiqué are

available on the IRBAwebsite. auditing-standards-functions-55/111-auditing-standards/919- 2015-auditing-standards

Committee forAuditing Standards (CFAS)

Auditors are encouraged to prepare for the

implementation and assess the impact of IFRS 9 on their

audit procedures

Audit implications of IFRS 9: Financial Instruments

SAICA's Banking Project Group has established a

subcommittee, the IFRS 9 Impairment Working Group, to

address industry issues related to the implementation of IFRS


Financial Instruments

, specifically the impairment

requirements. The IRBA is represented on the working group.

The IRBA, through the IFRS 9 Impairment Working Group, has

determined that South Africa-specific auditing guidance may

be required especially on the impairment requirements

contained in IFRS 9. An IRBA task group will be established in

due course to address this issue.

In addition, on 2 March 2016 the IAASB released a publication

( ) that highlights the auditing challenges

arising from the adoption of Expected Credit Loss (ECL)

models when accounting for loan losses. The publication also

sets out initial thinking on how these challenges may be

addressed under the current ISAs. ECL models will be

required under IFRS 9, which will come into effect from 1

January 2018.

The publication also discusses how the IAASB's new project

p r o p o s a l ( ) to revise ISA


Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value

Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures

will seek to

further address these and other challenges in respect of

auditing accounting estimates, including those that are in

relation to financial institutions.

Gu i de f o r Reg i s t e r ed Aud i t o r s : Repo r t i ng

Responsibilities of the Reporting Accountant Related to

Property Entities in Terms of the JSE Listings


The CFAS approved the issue of the

Guide for Registered

Auditors: Reporting Responsibilities of the Reporting

Accountant Related to Property Entities in Terms of the JSE project-publication h t t p s : / / www. i f a c . o r g / p u b l i c a t i o n s - resources/project-proposal-revision-isa-540

Issue 33 January - March 2016