STANDARDS c o n t .
Responding to Non-Compliance or Suspected Non-
Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Proposed
Amendments to the IAASB's International Standards
The IAASB published the exposure draft
Amendments to the IAASB's International Standards –
Responding to Non-Compliance or Suspected Non-
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
on 23 July 2015 for
public comment by 21 October 2015. The amendments are in
response to the International Ethics Standards Board for
Accountants' (IESBA) May 2015 Re-Exposure Draft,
Responding to Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations
A CFAS task group submitted a comment letter to the IAASB,
and the exposure draft as well as the comment letters
submitted are available on the IAASB website
( .The following reports have been withdrawn from use with
immediate effect:
Pro-forma Independent Report to the Executive Committee
of the Financial Sector Charter Council in respect of “Part 2
Verification ofAccess Supporting Documentation”.
https://www.ifac.org/publications-resources/responding- non-compliance-or-suspected-non-compliance-laws-and- regulations)Withdrawal of reports
Pro-forma Independent Assurance Provider's Report to the
Executive Committee of the Financial Sector Charter
Council in respect of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE)
ITAC Motor Industry Development Programme (MIDP)
o Report of the Independent Registered Auditor to the
International Trade Administration Commission of South
Africa (ITAC) in connection with an Application for
Company Specific Percentage(s) in terms of the Motor
Industry Development Programme.
o Assurance Report of the Independent
<Auditor OR
Assurance Provider>
to the Directors/Members/Owners
and the International Trade Administration Commission
of South Africa (ITAC) in connection with Foreign
Currency Usage (DA190) in terms of the Motor Industry
Development Programme.
o Report of the Independent Auditor to the International
TradeAdministration Commission of SouthAfrica (ITAC)
in connection with an Application for Productive Asset
Allowance (PAA) of the Motor Industry Development
o Assurance Report of the Independent
<Auditor OR
Assurance Provider>
to the International Trade
Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC) in
connection with an Application for Import Rebate Credit
Certificates (IRCCs) in terms of the Motor Industry
Development Programme.
Issue 32 October - December 2015
These warnings note that the pronouncements, illustrative
auditor reports and circulars have not been revised or updated
for changes emanating from the underlying legislation and/or
applicable auditing pronouncement/s.
Warnings on Pronouncements Issued
This is an alert to registered auditors that warnings have been
inserted in the following pronouncements, illustrative auditor
reports and circulars issued by the IRBA and available on its
website ( . http://www.irba.co.za/index.php/auditing-standards- functions-55/252-international-clarity-pronouncements- adopted-and-i/831-2014-auditing-standards)Pronouncement
SASAE 3502 – B-BBEE Verification Assurance
SAAPS 4 – Enquiries Regarding Litigation and Claims
SAAPS 5 – Reporting on Donor Funding Engagements
Guide for Registered Auditors: Access to Audit Working Papers Guide
Guide for Registered Auditors: The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) Audit Guide