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Parliament congratulates the IRBA on maintaining the
number one position for the strength of its auditing and
reporting standards
The Chairman of Parliament's Standing Committee on
Finance, Mr Yunus Carrim, has congratulated the IRBA for
maintaining the number one position for the strength of
GENERAL NEWS c o n t .
CleanAudit ReportAwards 2014
The IRBA has received another clean audit report award from
the Auditor-General of South Africa for maintaining a clean
audit report for the 2013/14 financial year.
Feedback on new IRBAnews format
Thank you for your feedback on the new IRBA News format.
We have received several messages of congratulations and
some of you have requested the newsletter to be sent in hard
copy. We have taken your comments into account and we will
strive to deliver as per your requests.
Season's greetings
The CEO and staff of the IRBAwish all readers a blessed, safe
and happy holiday season.
The IRBAoffices will close on Wednesday 24 December 2014
and re-open onMonday 5 January 2015.
Issue 27 July - September 2014
Auditing and Reporting Standards on the World Economic
Forum's Global Competitiveness Index for the fifth
consecutive year.
Please find below the congratulatory letter from Mr Carrim
addressed to the CEOand staff.
Willemina de Jager, Director: Operations and Marius Fourie,
Finance Manager accepting the Clean Audit award on behalf of the