IRBA hosts Botswana Accountancy Oversight
Authority for an information session
The Independent Regulatory Board
for Auditors (IRBA) recently hosted
board members from the Botswana
Accountancy Oversight Authority
(BAOA) on a two day learning
and benchmarking visit. BAOA was
represented by four members of their
board including the Chairman, Mr
Tabake Kobedi and the CEO Mr
Duncan Majinda.
The visit was intended for the
Board members to learn from the
experiences of years of regulating
the South African profession by the
IRBA and to empower BAOA to better
understand the role of a regulator in
order to achieve their mandate.
Mr Majinda commented that the
IRBA has played an invaluable
role in the development of the
accountancy profession in Botswana
over the years during the time that
it was conducting audit quality
reviews for the Botswana Institute
of Chartered Accountants. He
appreciated that he personally
had the privilege of working with
the team of professionals doing the
reviews when he joined the Institute
as its CEO.
The two day information session
focused on building capacity for
the BAOA delegation in aspects of
Legislation, The role of a regulator,
Inspections, Standards, Education,
Training and Development,
Registrations, Branding and
Awareness creation.
The IRBA is proud to play a role
in shaping the future of regulation
in Botswana and look forward
to further engaging with them
as they grow their organisation.
Our standards and approach to
regulation have been tried and
tested and hence the Number One
position in Auditing and Reporting
Standards for four years in a row.
BAOA has recently been admitted
to the International Federation
of Independent Audit Regulators
(IFIAR) as a member, which brings to
four, the number of IFIAR members
in Africa. The other members
include South Africa, Mauritius
and Egypt, that complied with the
strict admission requirements for
independent audit regulation.
IRBA’s REACH goes beyond the profession
Independent Regulator Board of
Building 2
Greenstone Hill Office Park
Emerald Boulevard
Dear Joane Johnston
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Your involvement in this organisation
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With regards
393 Samora Machel street
Hospital view, Tembisa 1632
NPO#: 009-168
PR#: 0790000273317
PBO#: 93000217
The following letters of gratitude were received to acknowledge appreciation for the IRBA’s continued efforts to fulfil a wider
role in the SA community: